Saturday, March 28, 2020

Sherlock Holmes: The Adventure of the Dead Rabbits Society: The Lost Reminiscence of John H. Watson, M.D.

Sherlock Holmes: The Adventure of the Dead Rabbits Society: The Lost Reminiscence of John H. Watson, M.D. by Philip J. Carraher
I have a fondness for Sherlock Holmes in all his manifestations from the original A. Conan Doyle stories through Holmesian novels and series by various writers, as well as movies and television series featuring Sherlock. So I enjoyed this "lost reminiscence" that relates a story set in 1893 New York City.

Holmes is living in a New York men's boarding house under an assumed name as he hides from Moriarty's gang when he agrees to help a man who seems to be pursued by a murderer intent on killing him. The man wants Holmes to discover if it is his brother who is responsible for the attacks, as he doesn't want to get the police involved if it is a family matter. What Holmes discovers is much more involved than a sibling rivalry.

The novel is presented to the readers by the author as a manuscript found in 1999 by the Watson family, purportedly written by Holmes' companion Dr.John Watson and never published, but rather hidden at the bottom of a steamer trunk. If you are a fan of Holmesiana like me, then you may enjoy this complicated mystery with a wonderfully Holmesian ending.

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