Friday, September 25, 2020


Tantrum by Jules Feiffer Tantrum is a 1979 black and white graphic novel about a 42 year old married father of two teenagers named Leo who is facing a midlife crisis. His life has no meaning, no mystery, no excitement. During a particularly bleak moment he wills himself back to the age of two so that he can play, be pampered, and get piggy back rides. Only he finds out that the rest of the world doesn't have the time or interest to oblige. As he goes to each person in his life, they all disappoint him in one way or another. Each is caught up in their own concerns and have little or no attention for Leo and his need to be nurtured. Feiffer's black and white line drawings are wondederfully expressive, and his story telling is richly complex as Leo and all the people he confronts reveal their own inner turmoils and concerns.

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